end-of-summer update

after moving out east and resettling as a baltimore based wedding photographer, this summer has been a crazy whirlwind of engagements and weddings and new, exciting endeavors.

the past six weekends, our wedding schedule has looked like this: utah-utah-arizona-colorado-delaware-virginia (with portrait sessions in idaho, colorado, + maryland in between). it has been so exhilarating, but so utterly exhausting at the same time.

traveling the country with my love and capturing other people’s love is actually one of my favorite pastimes. did i mention mateo’s hopped on board and is officially becoming (a biiig) part of anna gleave photography? life can’t get much better than this!

but i’m sure that’ll merit a post in itself. until then, check out this incredible bouquet + this exquisite bride/groom combo from our wedding at the birkby house in leesburg, virginia this past weekend.

again… it doesn’t get much better than this!

more full-on wedding posts, engagement sessions, + videos (!!!!) to come soon. hold tight, you guys. it’s gonna be good!


